Tue 12 12 2023

Vicious Magazine SPAIN – Interview with LINUS BEATSKiP


Es uno de los DJS y productores suecos de techno que más están llamando la atención en todo el planeta gracias a un sonido duro, crudo, profundo e hipnótico. Acaba de lanzar “Phantom” en su sello Beatskip Records y aprovechando la buena acogida que ha tenido entre la parroquia tech española hablamos con él…

Read the in-depth interview with LINUS BEATSKiP, his music, new releases and more.

Meet River 44 the nomadic techno artist

Meet River 44 the nomadic techno artist

River 44 is a nomadic techno artist whose roots trace back to the pulsating heart of the underground rave scene. Hailing from the United States, River 44 has spent years immersed...

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“Phantom” in Find Your Sounds

“Phantom” in Find Your Sounds

Find Your Sounds "... It’s a colossal sounding track with heavy percussion and grinding pads which create a menacing vibe that adds to the intensity of the groove." Read more...

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